If you have read BCC for very long, you know that I am straightforward in my assessments of players,equipment, and anything golf related. I've previously shared my disgust nausea disappointment with the media mania and constant unwarranted adoration that surrounds the perpetually underwhelming Michelle Wie. Her history of poor performances, fired caddies and agents, and never ending stream of excuses is enough to get someone to searching for the nearest straight razor.
HOWEVER, recently there seemed to be signs that she may ACTUALLY be getting better. To wit, her posts on "Twitter" showed a relatively normal side of her (albeit a bit nerdy,but I'm not gonna nit pick here)...and some players responses to/comments about her seemed to indicate that she is gaining some acceptance on the LPGA tour. After reading Shane B's glowing commentary on Michelle here (and the fact that she was displaying a little self deprecating sense of humor), I was about ready to admit that perhaps she had changed/grown up/rebooted and was perhaps "normalizing" a little bit.
How foolish of me....all it took was a camera,a microphone, and a post round interview on The Golf Channel after the McDonald's LPGA Championship to erase all hopes that she had "changed". After finishing a cool 14 strokes out of first place and not breaking 70in any round,one would think that her first comments would be to praise the winner (rookie Anna Nordqvist) and to talk about working harder to improve and perhaps win an event. WRONG !!!! Instead, we had the same ol' Michelle Wie...., making excuses, telling us that "the score really did not reflect how well she played", and that she really "played great" for the whole event. Um - let me be sure I'm right here - if you subtract the two eagles she made on iron shots (one an ace, the other a hole out on a par 4), her score would have been 3 over - good for a sterling 49th place. Before you call me a hater, stop just a moment - all I'm calling for is some REALISM. I she (ever) wins, I will be the first to give her her props - but until then, she is just another player on the LPGA tour striving for that first win, albeit one who is sorely in need of a dose of humility and reality.