Sunday, December 20, 2009

DPP / TSU / NGOs Protest March December 20th 2009

The DPP led rally to protest Ma's China policies took place this weekend. Here's some of the images I took. The line from Mincuan Rd down Dadun Rd I estimated to contain about 20 to 30 thousand, far more than the police estimate of 30,000 total (and by the way it is illegal for the police to release their crowd estimate figures but they still do nevertheless).

There was lots of colour and creativity in signs and slogans ...

Some candidates took the opportunity to campaign for votes ...

Other signs made clear reference to the threat of Chinese missiles many Taiwanese worry about:

Here comes the largest part of the head of this part of the march.  Some trucks had three mega speakers at the front sonically blasting you into submission ...

Lots of party, faction and NGO flags and home made signs ...

A point often made but one also often given lip service to: the demand that Taiwanese determine their own future not the 1.3bn on China ....