Thursday, December 24, 2009

Ivey On The Griffith Switch

Kay Ivey wasn't quite as accepting of Parker Griffith as her fellow GOPers:
"Political self-preservation isn't a virtue," Ivey said. "In fact, political expediency is an insult to every grassroots activist who commits untold hours in devotion to getting candidates elected."
According to party chair Joe Turnham, there may have been a little lifting of political information as Griffith departed:
A Huntsville firm that advises Griffith, Main Street Strategies, downloaded Democratic Party data from party computers even though he was going to the GOP, Democratic chairman Joe Turnham said in a statement."The Democratic Party has spent untold sums of money building good data for elections and we make that data available to our Democratic candidates and officeholders. Mr. Griffith's campaign benefited from this asset, and he wouldn't be a congressman today without it," said Turnham.