Last year, exactly 365 days ago, I wrote a post which contained my "2009 Wishes for Golf". I could think of no more appropriate way to close out the year than to look back on a select few of these wishes and see how many came true..so without further adieu, I will turn this over to Bushwood's Magic Genie - aka "G-Money" (his replies follow in quotes):
(1) For the LPGA, I wished:
- Great performances by marquee players - " Sorry, maybe next time"
- Stability among the sponsors - - "No prob, among those who hung around" - Fail..
- A replacement for Carolyn Bivens - " SCORE !!! Wish granted..."
(2) For the PGA
- Sponsor stability - "Sorry, it's the economy stupid - and we gotta use the TARP funds to pay them bankers their bonuses".
- A quick recovery for Tiger - "Well he recovered all right...but a funny thing happened on the way out of the driveway"...
- Early wins for some of the players we wish were BCC members (Boo, AK,DLIII,Bubba,JB, IP,Shark, Rocco): "Complete strikeout"
- Solid performance at a major by Kenny Perry - "Almost,kimosabe...almost - #18 at August was just too cruel to KP"
(3) For Sergio, some humility and class: "How about a really crappy season and an injured claw at the very end ? Karma is a bitch, el nino...so get some manners or u will have a worse 2010"..
(4) For Michelle Wie, a focus on the LPGA, some solid results, and some space from the 'rents: "Well, you played better,won your first event, and did not seem to make references to the PGA tour - so thats a SCORE. It looked like you were getting some distance from the helicopter duo,but the moment you won,BJ practically ripped the trophy from your hands and did a lap around the 18th green. Two words of advice - patricide now"
(5) For the “twentysomething golf blogger” – a return trip to TGC Amateur Nationals- hope to see you there. "Wish granted - although we both played better, there's still room to get better"
(6)For Amber Prange : Early success in the Spring events - "Not so much early success came your way,but you played in an LPGA event AND got full playing privlieges on the Duramed Futures tour in 2010 - so I'd call that SCORE".
All in all, we should not be surprised or complain....because just like in golf, sometimes we got the break and our wish was granted, and other times we "lipped out". We have lots to be thankful for, and lots to look forward to in 2010. Happy New Year to all of the BCC members and readers !