Sunday, March 21, 2010

March Brackets Legal In Alabama???
Is anyone thinking "impeachment?"

With all the fuss over "bingo" in Alabama, I found an interesting article at on "office brackets" and their questionable legality. Here is how the article reported on how Alabama law covers the matter:
Gambling is a Class C misdemeanor in Alabama, but state law makes an exception for players who are "engaged in a social game in a private place."

That language is vague enough that the legality of an office pool would likely be open to the interpretation of a judge, said Henry Strickland, an associate dean at Cumberland School of Law in Birmingham.
Of course John Tyson takes this WAY too seriously. Apparently everyone that enters an office pool should see the advice of a lawyer:
John Tyson, the Mobile County District Attorney who is also heading up Gov. Bob Riley's anti-gambling task force, said he could not give an opinion on the matter but suggested people entering pools should "seek the advice of their lawyer, and do it immediately."
Man, I hope the Anti-Gambling Task Force doesn't kick in the Attorney General's office. I would be willing to bet that someone in there is in an office pool.