Saturday, March 13, 2010

Student Loans To Be Attached To The Health Care Bill

According to The Hill, the student loan bill that has been making its way through Congress is probably going to be attached to the pending health care bill:
Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), a top lieutenant to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), said Democratic leaders would pair a student loan bill with healthcare reform, throwing a new wrinkle into the health debate.

Miller confirmed that leaders would attach a controversial student loan bill, a high priority of President Barack Obama's, to a healthcare "sidecar" bill that will pass under budget reconciliation rules.
Reid has also formally notified the GOP's leadership that he will use "reconciliation" to pass the bill:
"We plan to use the regular budget reconciliation process that the Republican caucus has used many times," Reid told McConnell, the Senate Minority Leader. "Keep in mind that reconciliation will not exclude Republicans from the legislative process."