# Presiden aja pake iPad Apple masa kita ga sih? Wkwkw..
iPad besutan Steve Jobs -pemilik Apple- ini emang lagi ngetrend. So pasti waktu presiden pake itu barang, publik di dunia maya malah ngatain presiden kini dikontrak jadi bintang iklan. Wow.
Sebelum SBY pake iPad, presiden Rusia Dmitry-Medvedev udah pake duluan. Waw lihat foto di bawah ini. Mister presiden pun kelihatan asyik banget. Ini ane copas dari http://www.cultofmac.com/russian-president-dimitry-medvedev-has-an-ipad/40756

Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg isn’t the only politician to use an iPad. Russian President (and Putin-wielded political hand puppet) Dimitry Medvedev was spotted using an iPad during a recent meeting of the State Council, the Council of the Arts and the Council for Science and Technology. Unlike Stoltenberg, though, Medvedev was quick to reveal his own Ludditical tendencies, claiming that he initially found the iPad “impossible to read” (perhaps he prefers e-paper) and only warmed up to it when he downloaded the beautiful Russian novel A Hero of Our Time by Mikhail Lermontov… which, incidentally, you should definitely read in the Nabokov translation if you can find it.
Beres itu, dengan cerdasnya dunia marketing menjadikan Dimitry sebagai icon iPad. Seperti ditulis di http://phonereport.info/samsung-galaxy-tab-aims-for-millionth-shipment/:
" One of the star users of the Galaxy Tab is Russian president Dmitri Medvedev, who posted an image of snow-filled trees at his official Twitter account, and argued that the Samsung tablet is convenient, but its quality "isn't great", possibly refer to the camera's quality and not to the entire device".

Ga ada yang salah si bro, cuman gila aja presiden diperdayai sekelas APPLE. Setelah minyak kita dirampok Exxon, masa sih pasar dalam negeri dirampok juga. Btw, namanya juga era globalisasi. Yang punya modal kecil ke laut aja. Omg, ke laut aja ah..
# Pemerintah nyuruh kita pake produk dalam negeri, eh sendirinya juga kagak. Dunia pun berkata pada kita, kualitas adalah raja. Waw, ketika negara ga bisa melindung ekonomi rakyatnya, dimanakah fungsi negara tersebut?