“As a person with more than 30 years of experience in politics, how [Wu] handles his relationship [with Chiang] could withstand any measure of public scrutiny,”Is Su telling the Taiwanese to not bother trying to find dirt on Wu because even if they do, Wu will never admit to any wrong doing or let himself be held accountable? Notice that Su did not say that Wu's relationship could handle any public scrutiny but HOW Wu handles his relationship could. Divertisement par excellence.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Quote of the Week Part 2
Seems like its almost every other day when someone in Taiwanese politics says something rather silly or nonsensical. Today, it was the turn of Executive Yuan Spokesman Su Jun-pin (蘇俊賓) who, following allegations that Premier Wu went on a junket to Bali with, amongst others, Chiang Chin-liang (江欽良) — a former gangster on parole, tried to claim that because Wu had been in politics for 30 years, that fact alone meant that no matter the accusations against Wu, he would not be affected (even if they were true). Don't quite believe that line of reasoning? Check Su's quote:
9:09 PM