Tuesday, February 15, 2011

20 Memes for 2012

Critique of incumbent administration:
  1. Cross-Strait Relations: Where's the goodwill?
  2. Cross-Strait Relations: Too Far Too Fast
  3. International Standing: From the Heart of Asia to the Curb-side of Asia?
  4. International Standing: No Change in PRC Policy. Why?
  5. Culture and Ideology: Ma / KMT Sino-Mania
  6. Culture and Identity: Who wants Chinese Taipei? 
  7. Economy: ECFA Benefits who? how? when? where?
  8. Economy: Where's the FTAs?
  9. Defence: Who's Giving Up?
  10. Environment: Taiwan is Dying to Support Traditional Industries
Constructive Positions:
  1. International Standing: Sovereignty With Dignity
  2. Environment: Organic Self Sufficiency
  3. Economy: SME Revival
  4. Economy: Low Carbon Future
  5. Economy: The Business of Cleaning The Nation *
  6. Education: Taiwan & The World
  7. Education: Digital Investment in School Infrastructure
  8. Defence: Discourage Attack
  9. Cross-Strait Relations: Slow and Sovereign
  10. Culture and Ideology: Cosmopolitan Pacific Taiwan
* (physically, as in pollution- not people, cultures, attitudes, media, ability to oppose etc)