Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Australian Greens Reject Chinese Dictating Control Over Cultural Activites

Between Heaven and Earth has posted on this story of the PRC Consulate in Sydney pressuring dignitaries and schools not to attend a performance that has Falun Dafa content:

SYDNEY—An Australian promoter of a Chinese cultural performance has confirmed that the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China had sent letters to Sydney dignitaries in an effort to stop them seeing the performance.
Universal Cultural Communications, the co-presenter of the New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts International Company, said the notice slandered the show and the spiritual discipline of Falun Dafa, which is presented in contemporary scenes in the show. 
Letters were also sent in an attempt to discourage schools from bringing school groups to see Shen Yun. 
Ian Cohen, New South Wales MLC for the Greens, said he had seen Shen Yun a number of times. 
“In fact, I have been somewhat uplifted every time by the grandeur. It’s an experience that should be shared by all people, particularly young people.” 
“We don’t accept any country dictating control over cultural activities under any circumstances.”
If China feels bold enough to directly interfere with Australian's freedom to host and witness cultural activities imagine what it feels about Taiwan.  Perhaps all those calls it has made recently for a cultural agreement make more sense now ...