Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mingcycle's Racing Road Bike

Drew, Mike - Eat yer Heart Out!

On Monday, I will be literally acting as a model in a video shoot for an advertisement for Strida and MingCycle road bicycles.  This is one of the models I may have to ride for the shoot and I got a good look at it last night at my friend Jackie's awesome shop Fishbone (he doesn't make the bikes but is helping Strida shoot the video - Jackie makes mechanical aids to film and DV/HD shooting such as cranes etc).  I don't know anything about bike technology so maybe someone can tell me what parts of this bike are cool, new or redundant etc However, I can say that it is made entirely from a combination of carbon fiber, stainless steel, titanium and aluminium, and weighs less than a gnat's testicle.