Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bentley Favors Reducing The Number Of State Holidays

Despite the fact the United States is near the bottom of the totem pole with regard paid holiday and vacation days, Alabama Governor Robert Bentley favors reducing the number of state holidays:
Bentley said he would be meeting with his staff to discuss reducing the number of state holidays from the current 13, hoping to find yet another way to cut expenses in the cash-strapped budget.

In Mississippi and Florida, state employees receive 10 paid holidays, while Texas state workers get 17 each year, according to statistics compiled by the Council of State Governments. On average, Southeastern states have 12 paid holidays a year, the data shows.
The United States ranks lowest among OECD countries in regard to the number of "guaranteed" paid holidays and all but two other countries (Japan & Canda) guarantee 30 days paid vacation.