Friday, February 18, 2011
Catastrophe Watch: Endtimes a comin'
... seriously though, 'raw socialism'??? From what I can see Obama has passed a health care bill and a recent budget that was certainly not a wealth re-distributor but rather cut many back on Federal services. He's even selling off hundreds of Federal properties and buildings. How is that expanding the state. This is why the American Right is now a laughing stock - there's a moderate Democrat in the White House under siege by a Republican House of Representatives and they've gone and called him 'socialist' because they've been watching too much Beck, Hannity, Coulter, O'Reilly and Palin. Now they've got nowhere to go but more extreme - Hitler anyone?
Obama is not a socialist by any stretch of the imagination or convenient redefinition of the term. The Right Wing, including the fantasist Libertarians, imagine that the whole world would just work better if business was left alone and prices were free of interference by the State. But what has trying to reach that goal reaped since 1945, and particularly since the rise if the New Right in the 70s and 80s? It has reaped a military industrial complex that has become both the largest sector of the economy and a profiteer from conflict and war (as if the 20th century hadn't seen enough). It has seen privatisation at the cost of communities and even whole countries. It has seen the value of real wages plummet, mortgage bankruptcy skyrocket and the transfer of vast amounts of wealth into fewer hands, the rise of politicised media conglomerates and ever increasing pressure on States from businesses all seeking to put their profits before the mandate of elected officials. It has seen an even more comprehensive and rapid trashing of the environment, not to mention emerging democracies in central and southern america (can't have a socialist legitimately in power in Chile so lets replace him with a junta whilst supplying more arms and support to Indonesia, Iraq, Libya amongst others.
The American Right and conservative politics, bloated with hubris at their perceived ideological victory of 'free market' 'liberty' would be the subject of hilarious jokes ... if they weren't so dangerous.
3:54 AM