Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Will Be Off The Grid for Awhile

I just took a step closer to homelessness this week. I will be losing my job over the next month or so. A large chunk of the staff has been notified that they will no longer have employment. I have been under-employed at this place for many years (devoted myself for 17 years total). None of that matters.... being let go anyway.
I have worked since I was 16 years old... Have worked pretty much nonstop for the last 18 years. I can't wrap my brain around the idea of not having a job.

But the job I had was not a very good one...so this may be a blessing in disguise (wishful thinking).

I may lose internet access at some point. I have not decided whether I will continue blogging or close the account. Too many unknowns right now. But either way, I appreciate the few readers I had over the past 5 years.