Wednesday, April 13, 2011
IDAS 2011 Announces Program and Costs
Full program for students – instruction, IDAS 2011 tournament
IDAS 2011 tournament for students – tournament in Ljubljana at the Faculty of Administration-University of Ljubljana.
Full program for trainers, teachers, coaches, club leaders, judges at any level in any debate format.
Arrive in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia November 19 2011, dinner at 6 PM, program at 7 PM
Instruction in Hotel Spik November 20-24 2011
Transfer to Ljubljana morning 25 November 2011
IDAS tournament in Ljubljana afternoon 25-27 November 2011, ending at 3 PM November 27
STUDENT TRAINING : Each Instruction day features a main lecture, exercise and drill sessions, and two complete critiqued practice debates. Many elective classes offered. Many training preparation sessions offered. Judge evaluation and training offered. Advanced, basic and beginner tracks available. The best way to get ready for WUDC in Manila.
The International Debate Academy Slovenia will be offering a special track for trainers, coaches and those interested in learning about how to train debaters and create debate organizations such as clubs, academic programs and leagues. The program will call upon the extensive experience of the faculty to provide specialized training, including: Basic debate training steps: observation, advice from experienced trainers and curriculum guides Judging: instruction, shadow judging, real judging experience Tournaments: hosting, administering, including tabulation software. Advanced debate training: observation, advice from experienced trainers, curriculum guides. Organizing: recruiting debaters, implementing training, scheduling meetings, publicity. Attendees will have a sample judging session every morning as well as a special training session in the afternoon. All events at the program will also be open to attendees. Special needs and requests specific to individuals can be met if given advance notice.
TOURNAMENT: Sponsored by IDAS, ZIP and hosted by Faculty of Administration University of Ljubljana. Six preliminary rounds and semifinals in the WUDC format. No team caps as of now. Convener is Bojana Skrt, Chief Adjudicator is Alfred Snider.
FULL PROGRAM - 300 Euros: hotel rooms and training at luxurious Hotel Spik, all meals included, instructional materials, socials, transportation to Ljubljana, six round tournament (last year 60 teams from 24 countries) breaks to quarterfinals, food and room in Ljubljana, break night party. In Ljubljana we will be staying at Dijaški dom Bežigrad,
TOURNAMENT ONLY - 75 Euros:. six round tournament (last year 60 teams from 24 countries) breaks to quarterfinals, food and room in Ljubljana, break night party. Limited crash available for tournament.
Financial Disclosure: IDAS is a non-profit program, trainers are not paid, trainer travel is not reimbursed, participation fees pay for attendee expenses of rooms and food only, trainer accommodations and food and other costs are covered by ZIP.
Social Events: We will have frequent social events, including the country exhibition, the Kitch Party (bring your ugly clothing, then trade it), swimming party (indoor pool), and more. We will not distribute alcohol to attendees out of the workshop fees. ZIP will seek soft drinks-beer-wine sponsors. We prioritize scholarships for attendees over alcohol. We want as many people as possible to join the program.
5:36 PM