Thursday, April 21, 2011

More Voter Suppression Activity From the GOP- this time in KANSAS


Here's the latest bit of Voter Suppression from the GOP...this time in KANSAS:

Voter ID now Kansas law
Posted: April 18, 2011 - 3:49pm
By Tim Carpenter

Gov. Sam Brownback made a fixture of Kansas politics Monday requirements voters present proof of citizenship and photograph affirmation of their identity as the price of participating in elections.

The measures were long championed by conservatives who expressed apprehension that unauthorized voters were distorting elections through fraudulent means. The rules could spark a legal challenge from voters who feel disenfranchised by the new hurdles to electoral participation.

"I think these are reasonable steps to protect the rights of our citizens," Brownback said at the Statehouse.

Brownback long ago endorsed the voter ID and citizenship provisions incorporated into House Bill 2067.

Secretary of State Kris Kobach is credited with raising profile of the issue during his successful campaign in 2010. He said the Kansas legislation uniquely combined picture IDs for in-person voting, photo and signature security protections for advance balloting and proof of citizenship.

"No other state in the union does as much to secure the integrity of the voting process," Kobach said. "If you want the Cadillac of voter security, the Kansas model is the way to go."

The photo ID requirement will take effect Jan. 1.

Starting in 2013, anyone registering to vote for the first time in Kansas will have to provide proof of their U.S. citizenship, such as a birth certificate or passport, though a Kansas driver's license could suffice for many.

This is all about VOTER SUPPRESSION - PLAIN AND SIMPLE. Right in time for the 2012 election.

Rachel Maddow tells it like it is about this, pointing out that Kansas doesn't have the infrastructure to even do the checks on the people, electronically the way the other state that has proposed this does. It's ass backwards, and knows damn well, that they don't have the capability of checking all these folks, so, of course, if they can't be checked, they can't be approved to vote.

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