Monday, April 25, 2011

Mitch Daniels Among Credible GOP Candidates
When asked, I have been stating privately for sometime that I think Mitch Daniels (R-IN) is among the few electable Republicans that might run for President.  Certain Beltway Republicans/conservatives are apparently feeling the same way.  George Will in particular has been very vocal about his support of a Daniels candidacy.  The WP has a piece today that explores the likelihood of a Daniels candidacy, but in that article there was a tidbit about the WH that I find very telling in that they essentially agree with me:
Democrats, too, are taking him seriously. Obama advisers see him as a credible general-election candidate, if he can survive a nomination battle. Democrats, with some encouragement from Washington, have begun to step up their criticism of him and to question whether his record will hold up to serious scrutiny.
Make no mistake about it, a potential Daniels' candidacy is a real threat to the reelection of President Obama.  Also, the likes of Donald Trump, is not.