Wednesday, April 13, 2011

'Atlas Shrugged' Sneak Peek Review

While I am still going to see Atlas Shrugged when it comes out, blogger James Joyner (who was @ an extended screening @ C-PAC) makes the case against it.  In fact he gives it a horrendous review, saying in part:
Judging by the preview, I can fully understand why it took more than two decades to find a studio to produce the flick. This is quite possibly the most boring film ever made — and I include documentaries that are shown in grammar school so that children can request to view them backwards.

Put it this way: I simply do not know enough expletives to adequately express how truly horrible this film was. And I was in the Army. I would rather be subjected to the “Clockwork Orange” treatment than sit through one part of this. I might well prefer death to enduring the trilogy.
Here is the full piece.

H/T - Doc @ OTB