Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Trump Set To Announce For President; Cantor: He's Not "Serious"
Despite detractors as varied as Karl Rove, Ann Coulter, & Eric Cantor, NewsMax is reporting that "The Donald" is indeed going to run for the GOP nomination for President and is set to announce soon:
Trump plans to say on [the May15 broadcast of The Apprentice] that he will be holding a press conference a few days after the May 15th show. At that press conference in the Trump Tower in New York, Trump will be announcing his candidacy for the presidency.
This report comes on the heels of a dismissal by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (video below):
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor cast doubt on the legitimacy of a Donald Trump presidency on CNN’s American Morning on Wednesday.

“No, I don’t think he is really serious when we see a campaign launch on the ‘birther’ issue,” Cantor said when asked whether he would support a Trump candidacy.
What may be even more disturbing to the GOP is a potential Trump run as an independent if he does not secure the nomination.  Something he intimated to the WSJ this past week:
“I think the Republicans are very concerned that I [may] run as an Independent,” Mr. Trump told the Journal, which published the remarks Tuesday. “I am very conservative,” he continued. “The concern is if I don’t win [the GOP primary] will I run as an Independent, and I think the answer is probably yes.”