Sunday, November 30, 2008
The End
I want to use my last blog to wish President-Elect Obama good luck. I can barely stand to hear or say the word "change" since this year's campaign season, but I hope to see change in America and the world. Obama is where he is because of change. Changes in technology and the way the younger generations, mainly, get their information helped him. Sources like blogs and YouTube gave everyone an equal voice that wanted to be heard. And it gave others that were trying to decide places to research. The next generation to lead America was crying for change, and the Internet made it possible for them to broadcast that message. And the word change was associated heavily with one candidate - Barack Obama. I'm not naíve enough to think things will change immediately, but I am known for my optimism. The world used to change gradually, and now it changes so rapidly it's hard to keep up. It's a difficult time to take the office of President of the United States of America. The media is more widespread and more critical. Everyone, anyone can be a journalist now. People want to be heard, and it's much easier. But as an optimist, I look forward to Obama leading America down a path of improvement. I did enjoy being able to fill up my car's tank for $19 today. The economy is a huge issue at the moment and will be for a while. One man told me he wanted the economy to just crash and for everyone to be at the bottom so that we could all start out equal and build ourselves back up. We'll see how it goes.
7:47 PM

In my last post I covered two Bush administration tactics that President-Elect Obama, whose motto is Change, might alter once he takes office. This post is to discuss one he may not drastically alter. It is also one of the most controversial tactics the Bush administration has put into effect. I'm referring to eavesdropping on Americans. Obama said during his campaign that he will end the warrantless wiretapping currently in place. It is being questioned now if he will end the program outright or not. After his decision is made, he will face the question of whether or not to try to prosecute any who have been involved in the wiretapping. I don't know that it's likely he will do much prosecution because there will be bigger issues he will be focusing on, which might also lead to his not changing the wiretapping. He will need support and votes to carry out his projects for energy, etc. So, I guess we'll all just wait and see if he might trade some eavesdropping for a greater good for America. Compromise is the way of settling things after all.
7:28 PM

I read an article in Time talking about which anti-terror tactics installed by the Bush administration that President-Elect Obama may affect and what the consequences would be. Torture was the first topic on the list. Many different forms of torture have been okayed by the Bush administration. I wonder if Obama will be the one to put an end to the secret forms of torture currently granted to certain departments. It's a touchy subject if there's proof that these methods are yielding reliable results, but our place in the world doesn't seem to be getting any better. So, I can't really say if I can believe that they are. Another topic was rendition and secret prisons. For all who saw the movie Rendition, you're familiar with the fact that the CIA ships suspected terrorists to secret prisons around the world. The problem with this is the word "suspected." Innocent people have been shipped to these secret prisons and tortured for information they don't have. When it is finally understood that the people really are innocent they are left in a random location. Both of these tactics used today involve tortures that I can imagine are quite brutal. I mean, the prisons are in secret locations for a reason. I'm curious to see how Obama handles these once he becomes Commander in Chief.
7:18 PM

America has made history with the election of Barack Obama. Starting in January, he will be in the White House making decisions for our country. We all realize that history was made and that this was a historical election. What I don't really understand are the collectibles that are constantly showing up on my television during commercials. I will be watching a football game, and suddenly I see the President-Elect's face on a plate or a coin, etc. I understand his election to the presidency made history, but he hasn't actually done anything as our president yet. That won't come until January. I guess collectors don't really care when the merchandise is available because they will purchase it anyway. I just think it is more plausible to wait until he's leading the country to sell collector's items. It doesn't make sense to me to tell me that buying a plate with a picture on it will make me an owner of a piece of history. I will remember the election regardless because Obama has four years ahead of him as my president, and I think of souvenirs as more of something you get at a tourist destination to remember your trip. So, I think maybe the Obama souvenirs should wait until after he has served his term. If he gives us a good trip we want to remember and be a part of, by all means sell/buy your souvenirs.
6:31 PM

Little Places, Big Results
I love my life. I like the way, in this country, everyone has a voice that wants to use it. I realize, of course, that many voices are louder than Mississippi's when it come to elections, but I feel good using my voice just the same. I like the way that little places like all over the country, along with the more populous places, have a say in the way they want this country led.

I cast my vote in this little one-room building. It was my first presidential election to be able to vote in, and it felt great to walk in that tiny place, see my parents casting their votes during their lunch breaks, and go after my dad and send in my own voice. America is a great place. A lot of people passed through this building early in November and cast their votes for different individuals under different categories that they wanted to have a chance to make a difference in this nation. We all had a say. Now that we have the result, let's get our country together.
6:05 PM

The Word of the Day
Tolerance. Not everyone can win a race. That's common knowledge. Obama supporters won this presidential race. This is where the word comes in. I can understand why a person who was not an Obama supporter would be down about their candidate losing if they truly thought their candidate was better suited and qualified for the job. But I believe in tolerance and getting behind the winner and giving him a chance. I did some traveling over the break, and I heard some very offensive remarks from people who no doubt did not vote for now President-Elect Obama. I cannot ever agree with the "N-word" being thrown around or jokes about assassinations. I'm truly disappointed and appalled in people who carry out discussions like these, whether serious or joking, it's all the same. We are all essentially on the same side, so let's act like it.
6:00 PM

Full Tab for 2008 Tournament

Here is access to the full tab:
Team tabs
Speaker tabs
Elim results
12:35 PM

2008 Academy Results

THBT the United Nations should send a multinational peacekeeping force to Sri Lanka.
THBT violent action to protect the environment is justified.
Position Name Team Total points Average Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6
1 Natale Caress-Natale 482 80.33 85 77 83 78 83 76
2 Hildebrandt Hildebrandt-Asyamova 476 79.33 82 82 74 77 83 78
2 (3) Plostajner Jakovac-Plostajner 476 79.33 75 79 81 79 78 84
4 (5) Asaymova Hildebrandt-Asyamova 472 78.66 81 80 76 74 84 77
4 Podlogar Podlogar-Janzek 472 78.66 80 81 79 73 80 79
6 Dobranic Cimerman-Dobranic 470 78.33 78 78 80 82 77 75
6 (7) Caress Caress-Natale 470 78.33 82 76 79 75 82 76
8 (9) Cimerman Cimerman-Dobranic 468 78.00 76 79 78 81 78 76
8 Jakovac Jakovac-Plostajner 468 78.00 65 82 82 78 77 84
8 (10) Zveplan Zveplan-Cvikl 468 78.00 75 76 78 84 78 77
THW make voting compulsory.
THW not negotiate with the leaders of Iran.
This house would not prosecute battered wives for killing their husbands.
TH would allow the advertising of prescription drugs.
THBT governments should not bailout failing corporations.
This House would ban international adoption.
THBT the United Nations should send a multinational peacekeeping force to Sri Lanka.
THBT violent action to protect the environment is justified.
Full results at bottom of USA WUDC results page:
11:26 AM

WDI Europe Results

THBT the United Nations should send a multinational peacekeeping force to Sri Lanka.
THBT violent action to protect the environment is justified.
Position Name Team Total points Average Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6
1 Natale Caress-Natale 482 80.33 85 77 83 78 83 76
2 Hildebrandt Hildebrandt-Asyamova 476 79.33 82 82 74 77 83 78
2 (3) Plostajner Jakovac-Plostajner 476 79.33 75 79 81 79 78 84
4 (5) Asaymova Hildebrandt-Asyamova 472 78.66 81 80 76 74 84 77
4 Podlogar Podlogar-Janzek 472 78.66 80 81 79 73 80 79
6 Dobranic Cimerman-Dobranic 470 78.33 78 78 80 82 77 75
6 (7) Caress Caress-Natale 470 78.33 82 76 79 75 82 76
8 (9) Cimerman Cimerman-Dobranic 468 78.00 76 79 78 81 78 76
8 Jakovac Jakovac-Plostajner 468 78.00 65 82 82 78 77 84
8 (10) Zveplan Zveplan-Cvikl 468 78.00 75 76 78 84 78 77
THW make voting compulsory.
THW not negotiate with the leaders of Iran.
This house would not prosecute battered wives for killing their husbands.
TH would allow the advertising of prescription drugs.
THBT governments should not bailout failing corporations.
This House would ban international adoption.
THBT the United Nations should send a multinational peacekeeping force to Sri Lanka.
THBT violent action to protect the environment is justified.
Full results at bottom of USA WUDC results page:
11:26 AM

Saturday, November 29, 2008
4UDECOR - Prendas de Natal

1:00 AM

artigos decoração,
lista casamento,
prendas natal,
Friday, November 28, 2008
4UDECOR - Ron Arad em Paris

No Discipline
Uma exposição a solo, Ron Arad no Centro Pompidou em Paris, abriu no passado dia 18 de Novembro de 2008. O espectacular designer mostra a sua criação com inumeras peças da Moroso entre outras. Victoria & Albert, Ripple Chair, Bookworm, Void, etc. A exposição irá depois até terras americanas, onde estará no MoMa em Nova York.
No Discipline, CentroPompidou, 18 November 2008 - 16 March 2009.
No Discipline, CentroPompidou, 18 November 2008 - 16 March 2009.
1:07 AM

Thursday, November 27, 2008

A 4UDECOR está agora também presente no directório Darco, ferramenta de grande utilidade para os arquitectos, não deixe de visitar este blog direcionado especialmente para profissionais.
1:02 AM

projecto decoração,
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
WDI Europe/International Debate Academy Begins
Arrivals can be difficult and this one was no exception. All are now here and safe. Now we are about 80 people from 15 countries here for a week before we move to Maribor for the tournament.
Sunday night most people had arrived and a demo debate was featured. The motion was “This house would punish parents for the crimes of their minor children." It was an all-star cast, with Debbie Newman (world champion WSDC coach for England, England-Wales debate champion, former president of Cambridge Union) debating with Sam Greenland (Sydney WUDC semifinalist in 2007, former Hong Kong WSDC coach) were opening proposition, Sam Natale (top speaker, Northeast Universities 2008, University of Vermont) and Lucas Caress (top speaker, Global Youth Debate Conclave, Bangalore 2008, University of Vermont) were closing proposition; Filip Dobranic (twice top EFL speaker at WSDC, University of Ljubljana) and Maja Cimerman (EFL world WSDC champion, University of Ljubljana) were opening opposition, and last but not least Steve Llano (former national champion coach in USA, St. John's University) and Loke Wing Fatt (Singapore, WUDC breaking judge, father of debate in China) as closing opposition. It was a very spirited debate, chaired by Berlin Debating Union's Jens Fischer, and caused a great deal of discussion among he students. The video is coming soon.
Each day has the same schedule. There is an 8:45 AM organizational meeting at breakfast, followed by a series of lectures divided by experience level. After one hour there is a brief break before we meet again for an hour of drills on the subject of the lectures to help turn theoretical materials into behavior and habit. Then a motion is given and everyone has a debate with a long critique. There is a lunch break followed by a digestion break before the afternoon's activities take place. There are two one-hour period for elective classes. During each of these periods between five and seven different topics are offered, and students can choose which they would like to go to. I will send along a list of enacted electives later. After the second elective of the afternoon another motion is announced and with another debate and a long critique before dinner.
The first practice debate motions were:
1-THW pay a salary to stay-at-home parents
2-TH would create separate units for gays in the military.
3-THBT supporting Georgia's NATO bid is more important than maintaining good relations with Russia.
4-THBT the capitalist experiment has failed.
5-THW criminalize Holocaust denial.
Evenings have had a considerable social component. On Monday night the Country Exhibition took place where students brought items, foods, beverages and other things from their country on display and shared them with everyone. This was a robust affair of international fraternity and lasted well into the night. On Tuesday evening the traditional Slovenian "Kitsch Party" took place. Students swapped clothing and dressed outrageously for the party. It raged for quite a while before the judging took place. Sam(antha) Ricker of the University of Vermont was the winner, looking quite good in ponytails and wearing Helena Felc's pajamas. Second place was Don(na) Bracciodieta of St. John's, who had nice cleavage. Pictures will be coming along soon.
Having been at all six International Debate Academy sessions, I would say that the experience level and excellence of the teams is growing immensely here and all over Europe and the world.
Stay tuned for more from Ormoz.
Sunday night most people had arrived and a demo debate was featured. The motion was “This house would punish parents for the crimes of their minor children." It was an all-star cast, with Debbie Newman (world champion WSDC coach for England, England-Wales debate champion, former president of Cambridge Union) debating with Sam Greenland (Sydney WUDC semifinalist in 2007, former Hong Kong WSDC coach) were opening proposition, Sam Natale (top speaker, Northeast Universities 2008, University of Vermont) and Lucas Caress (top speaker, Global Youth Debate Conclave, Bangalore 2008, University of Vermont) were closing proposition; Filip Dobranic (twice top EFL speaker at WSDC, University of Ljubljana) and Maja Cimerman (EFL world WSDC champion, University of Ljubljana) were opening opposition, and last but not least Steve Llano (former national champion coach in USA, St. John's University) and Loke Wing Fatt (Singapore, WUDC breaking judge, father of debate in China) as closing opposition. It was a very spirited debate, chaired by Berlin Debating Union's Jens Fischer, and caused a great deal of discussion among he students. The video is coming soon.
Each day has the same schedule. There is an 8:45 AM organizational meeting at breakfast, followed by a series of lectures divided by experience level. After one hour there is a brief break before we meet again for an hour of drills on the subject of the lectures to help turn theoretical materials into behavior and habit. Then a motion is given and everyone has a debate with a long critique. There is a lunch break followed by a digestion break before the afternoon's activities take place. There are two one-hour period for elective classes. During each of these periods between five and seven different topics are offered, and students can choose which they would like to go to. I will send along a list of enacted electives later. After the second elective of the afternoon another motion is announced and with another debate and a long critique before dinner.
The first practice debate motions were:
1-THW pay a salary to stay-at-home parents
2-TH would create separate units for gays in the military.
3-THBT supporting Georgia's NATO bid is more important than maintaining good relations with Russia.
4-THBT the capitalist experiment has failed.
5-THW criminalize Holocaust denial.
Evenings have had a considerable social component. On Monday night the Country Exhibition took place where students brought items, foods, beverages and other things from their country on display and shared them with everyone. This was a robust affair of international fraternity and lasted well into the night. On Tuesday evening the traditional Slovenian "Kitsch Party" took place. Students swapped clothing and dressed outrageously for the party. It raged for quite a while before the judging took place. Sam(antha) Ricker of the University of Vermont was the winner, looking quite good in ponytails and wearing Helena Felc's pajamas. Second place was Don(na) Bracciodieta of St. John's, who had nice cleavage. Pictures will be coming along soon.
Having been at all six International Debate Academy sessions, I would say that the experience level and excellence of the teams is growing immensely here and all over Europe and the world.
Stay tuned for more from Ormoz.
10:06 AM

2008 International Debate Academy Begins
Arrivals can be difficult and this one was no exception. All are now here and safe. Now we are about 80 people from 15 countries here for a week before we move to Maribor for the tournament.
Sunday night most people had arrived and a demo debate was featured. The motion was “This house would punish parents for the crimes of their minor children." It was an all-star cast, with Debbie Newman (world champion WSDC coach for England, England-Wales debate champion, former president of Cambridge Union) debating with Sam Greenland (Sydney WUDC semifinalist in 2007, former Hong Kong WSDC coach) were opening proposition, Sam Natale (top speaker, Northeast Universities 2008, University of Vermont) and Lucas Caress (top speaker, Global Youth Debate Conclave, Bangalore 2008, University of Vermont) were closing proposition; Filip Dobranic (twice top EFL speaker at WSDC, University of Ljubljana) and Maja Cimerman (EFL world WSDC champion, University of Ljubljana) were opening opposition, and last but not least Steve Llano (former national champion coach in USA, St. John's University) and Loke Wing Fatt (Singapore, WUDC breaking judge, father of debate in China) as closing opposition. It was a very spirited debate, chaired by Berlin Debating Union's Jens Fischer, and caused a great deal of discussion among he students. The video is coming soon.
Each day has the same schedule. There is an 8:45 AM organizational meeting at breakfast, followed by a series of lectures divided by experience level. After one hour there is a brief break before we meet again for an hour of drills on the subject of the lectures to help turn theoretical materials into behavior and habit. Then a motion is given and everyone has a debate with a long critique. There is a lunch break followed by a digestion break before the afternoon's activities take place. There are two one-hour period for elective classes. During each of these periods between five and seven different topics are offered, and students can choose which they would like to go to. I will send along a list of enacted electives later. After the second elective of the afternoon another motion is announced and with another debate and a long critique before dinner.
The first practice debate motions were:
1-THW pay a salary to stay-at-home parents
2-TH would create separate units for gays in the military.
3-THBT supporting Georgia's NATO bid is more important than maintaining good relations with Russia.
4-THBT the capitalist experiment has failed.
5-THW criminalize Holocaust denial.
Evenings have had a considerable social component. On Monday night the Country Exhibition took place where students brought items, foods, beverages and other things from their country on display and shared them with everyone. This was a robust affair of international fraternity and lasted well into the night. On Tuesday evening the traditional Slovenian "Kitsch Party" took place. Students swapped clothing and dressed outrageously for the party. It raged for quite a while before the judging took place. Sam(antha) Ricker of the University of Vermont was the winner, looking quite good in ponytails and wearing Helena Felc's pajamas. Second place was Don(na) Bracciodieta of St. John's, who had nice cleavage. Pictures will be coming along soon.
Having been at all six International Debate Academy sessions, I would say that the experience level and excellence of the teams is growing immensely here and all over Europe and the world.
Stay tuned for more from Ormoz.
Sunday night most people had arrived and a demo debate was featured. The motion was “This house would punish parents for the crimes of their minor children." It was an all-star cast, with Debbie Newman (world champion WSDC coach for England, England-Wales debate champion, former president of Cambridge Union) debating with Sam Greenland (Sydney WUDC semifinalist in 2007, former Hong Kong WSDC coach) were opening proposition, Sam Natale (top speaker, Northeast Universities 2008, University of Vermont) and Lucas Caress (top speaker, Global Youth Debate Conclave, Bangalore 2008, University of Vermont) were closing proposition; Filip Dobranic (twice top EFL speaker at WSDC, University of Ljubljana) and Maja Cimerman (EFL world WSDC champion, University of Ljubljana) were opening opposition, and last but not least Steve Llano (former national champion coach in USA, St. John's University) and Loke Wing Fatt (Singapore, WUDC breaking judge, father of debate in China) as closing opposition. It was a very spirited debate, chaired by Berlin Debating Union's Jens Fischer, and caused a great deal of discussion among he students. The video is coming soon.
Each day has the same schedule. There is an 8:45 AM organizational meeting at breakfast, followed by a series of lectures divided by experience level. After one hour there is a brief break before we meet again for an hour of drills on the subject of the lectures to help turn theoretical materials into behavior and habit. Then a motion is given and everyone has a debate with a long critique. There is a lunch break followed by a digestion break before the afternoon's activities take place. There are two one-hour period for elective classes. During each of these periods between five and seven different topics are offered, and students can choose which they would like to go to. I will send along a list of enacted electives later. After the second elective of the afternoon another motion is announced and with another debate and a long critique before dinner.
The first practice debate motions were:
1-THW pay a salary to stay-at-home parents
2-TH would create separate units for gays in the military.
3-THBT supporting Georgia's NATO bid is more important than maintaining good relations with Russia.
4-THBT the capitalist experiment has failed.
5-THW criminalize Holocaust denial.
Evenings have had a considerable social component. On Monday night the Country Exhibition took place where students brought items, foods, beverages and other things from their country on display and shared them with everyone. This was a robust affair of international fraternity and lasted well into the night. On Tuesday evening the traditional Slovenian "Kitsch Party" took place. Students swapped clothing and dressed outrageously for the party. It raged for quite a while before the judging took place. Sam(antha) Ricker of the University of Vermont was the winner, looking quite good in ponytails and wearing Helena Felc's pajamas. Second place was Don(na) Bracciodieta of St. John's, who had nice cleavage. Pictures will be coming along soon.
Having been at all six International Debate Academy sessions, I would say that the experience level and excellence of the teams is growing immensely here and all over Europe and the world.
Stay tuned for more from Ormoz.
10:05 AM

Gallotti e Radice

Gallotti & Radice foi a primeira fabrica italiana a experimentar e promover o vidro no sector do mobiliário. Usado com muita elegancia o vidro é combinado com outros materiais tais como a madeira e o metal. O seu design avangarde, as formas harmoniosas e mais importante atenção dada à qualidade e segurança dos artigos são o seu cartão de visita que lhe permite competir tanto no sector domestico como nos contracts. A colaboração com designers famosos tais como: Luigi Massoni, Andreas Weber, Davide Pizzigoni, Maurizio Duranti, Nanda Vigo, Carla Venosta, Gabriele Moscatelli and Italo Pertichini, são uma mais valia para esta empresa. Com artigos muito variados desde, as mesas a mobiliario escritorio, de espelhos a candeeiros, a Gallotti e Radice tem uma grande variedade de artigos em vidro. Dê um toque de classe ao seu ambiente adquira estas peças de design e seja mais um dos nossos inumeros clientes satisfeitos.
Encomende já / Order Now:
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Cascais / Portugal
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
4UDECOR - Cadeira Hero

Para os dias de sol, cadeiras versáteis e resistentes que podem ser usadas no jardim, no terraço ou na varanda. Práticas e ecléticas, como a nova Hero - Calligaris. Desenhada por Archirivolto em polipropileno estampado com a técnica airmoulding. As cores disponiveis são branco, laranja, vermelho, verde e fucsia.
12:52 AM

Friday, November 21, 2008
4UDECOR - Atlantis The Palm

DUBAI, 21 Nov 2008 (AFP) - Ignorando completamente a crise econômica mundial, Dubai inaugurou na noite de quinta-feira um novo hotel de luxo, construído numa ilha artificial, com uma festa extravagante de 20 milhões de dólares.
Mais de 2.000 personalidades foram convidadas pela sociedade Kerzner International, do magnata sul-africano Sol Kerzner, e seu sócio local, a imobiliária Najeel, controlada pelo emirado, para a inauguração oficial do "Atlantis, The Palm", um hotel cinco estrelas que abriu suas portas em setembro passado.
Entre os convidados estavam artistas como Robert De Niro, Janet Jackson, empresários como Richard Branson e atletas como Boris Becker e Michael Jordan.
Espetáculo de fogos de artifício e um show da australiana Kylie Minogue abrilhantaram o evento.
O hotel está situado em "Palm Jumeirah", a primeira das três ilhas artificiais em forma de palmeira construídas pela Najeel.
O hotel custou 1,5 bilhão de dólares e conta com 1.539 quartos, a um preço de 35.000 dólares a diária.
Além disso, possui o maior parque aquático do Oriente Médio e um gigantesco aquário de 11 milhões de litros de água e 65.000 peixes.
12:38 PM

atlantis the palm,
lista casamento
Thursday, November 20, 2008
4UDECOR - Claus Porto

A reprodução de sabonetes do século XIX transformou-se numa moda das elites internacionais e na decoração de interiores, numa inspiração Art Déco.
A Claus Porto orgulha-se de apresentar as suas mais recentes colecções de luxuosos sabonetes. Cada sabonete das colecções Classico e Fantasia é embalado manualmente com extraordinários rótulos, seleccionados dos arquivos da Claus Porto.
A Claus Porto orgulha-se de apresentar as suas mais recentes colecções de luxuosos sabonetes. Cada sabonete das colecções Classico e Fantasia é embalado manualmente com extraordinários rótulos, seleccionados dos arquivos da Claus Porto.
Nunca o slogan o que é Nacional é bom será tão bem aplicado como à Claus Porto que leva a marca e nome Portugal por esse mundo fora.
1:08 AM

artigos decoração,
claus porto,
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Rosenthal Studio Line

A Rosenthal apresenta colecções com as mais ousadas formas, criadas por designers mas também por escultores ou ceramistas, ilustradas pelos próprios ou por outros artistas do mundo das artes plásticas ou do design visual. Venha conhecer a Rosenthal em Cascais.
1:08 AM

artigos decoração,
lista casamento,
loja decoração,
serviço cha,
serviço jantar,
Sunday, November 16, 2008
A New Vision for Space Exploration

Good evening. As this will likely be one of this group's last blogs, I would like to talk about a subject that has been near to my heart for most of my exploration.
"What's so important about space exploration?" you might ask. How does this relate to the election and president-elect Obama? These are questions worth asking and I hope you will find the answers to these and other questions within this short post.
To begin, America is quickly falling behind the world in the area of spaceflight...especially manned spaceflight. For example, China's space program has recently celebrated the country's first space-walk. India has successfully put a probe into orbit around the moon. Other countries across Asia and Europe are working hard to further their own space ambitions and China will attempt to send a man to the moon in less than two decades.
Add to this the problems faced by NASA and the new Constellation program, which intends to send a man to the moon by 2020.We recently lost the lives of 7 brave heroes during the space shuttle Columbia disaster, which was a completely preventable disaster. In addition, our remaining shuttle fleet is aging and is scheduled for retirement in the coming years. The proposed shuttle replacement rockets, known as ARES I and ARES V, have been plagued by design problems and underfunding. In addition, NASA has been criticized heavily for areas of mismanagement and NASA Administrator Mike Griffin will likely be replaced after Obama takes office in January. Due to a combination of these and other factors, we will likely see a five year gap between the final shuttle flight and the first real flights of the ARES system. During this time, the U.S. will have to rely on Russian rockets to get astronauts, equipment, and supplies to and from the International Space Station. Due to the heightened tensions between our two countries, this reliance could spell doom for our future visions in space.
As you can see, the once dominant lead our country enjoyed in space technology is currently evaporating. Before the election, I took a long look at the two candidates in order to see how they would approach future expansion of NASA funding and human spaceflight. Early on, Obama advocated making cuts to NASA funding in order to promote other areas of government. He didn't seem to mind if America lost its lead in space and this greatly terrified me. However, during one trip to the "space coast" of Florida, he reversed course and proposed greater NASA funding in order to close the previously mentioned gap. Was this reversal the sign of a true policy shift? Or was it a political attempt to win over voters in Florida before the election? I do not know. This uncertainty causes me to be greatly concerned about Obama's administration and the future of NASA. It pains me to think about a future where America takes a backseat as countries like China explore the moon and beyond.
Maybe I am a bit idealistic about the final frontier of human exploration. I believe those who work in this area show the best traits that humans have to offer. Intelligence, bravery, sacrifice, and a love for knowledge are all traits that I see in those who ride a rocket into earth orbit and beyond. Also, the engineers and scientists who work on unmanned missions, like the Voyager Interstellar Mission, New Horizons, and others, shed new light onto what we know about the universe and human kind's place among the stars. I believe exploration of the moon, mars, and outer solar system will tap into the core foundations that make us all human. I would hate to see our country grow stagnant while the rest of the world goes where no others have gone before.
In conclusion, it has been a pleasure to be around everyone this semester. The blogs have been fun and it's been an honor to participate in the debate. I also hope that anyone reading this will understand the importance I place on America's space program. In the coming months and years, contact your congressmen to show your support for future growth and expansion of NASA. I hope President Obama will understand the importance I place on space and I hope he will make good on his promise to see America lead the world in the coming years and decades.
2:49 PM

Arrival & Tournament Schedule

1900 Dinner at Hotel Ormoz
20.00 Opening Session
Brief introduction to the format-Newman
Exhibition debate
Discussion of exhibition debate
Students take assessment test for group assignments
Students vote for elective choices
Socialize and find a debate partner
1600 Check into Maribor dorms, Registration opens
1630 Leave dorm, walk as a group to the tournament – Faculty of law
1700 Opening Assembly
1800 Round 1
Dinner at the tournament venue
2000 Round 2
730-830 Breakfast
900 Round 3
1130 Round 4
1300 Lunch
1430 Round 5
1630 Round 6
1900 Dinner & Break announcement
Break Party
730-830 Breakfast
900 Announcement of pairings and motion
930 Semifinals
1130 Final Round
1230 Closing Ceremonies
1300 Departure
8:53 AM

Arrival Information - IMPORTANT

From Bojana Skrt:
We will see in a week and I am resending you my email with the information about traveling to Ormož and extra nights accomodations and other things. Here is my mobile phone number in case you need some emergency assistance: + 386 41 423377. Please, in case you are not coming, let me know as soon as possible.
Have in mind that all the extra nights prior to 23rd November should be paid to the Hotel Ormož and that in case you need an extra night in Maribor, you can not stay in the Dijaški dom Drava, where we are staying during the tournament, but you need to find some other accomodation.
Please, check IDAS web page and blog for the programme and all updates:
Here are a few bits of information I would like to share with you.
1. In case you can not come, please, inform me immediatly – we do have a waiting list of debaters who want to come and we can not accept them because of lack of the space, this is true for the whole Academy and tournament only.
2. Venues
In Ormož we are staying in Hotel Ormož, It is a modest hotel, but comfortable hotel, nothing fancy, there are mainly two bed rooms with your own bathrooms and TV. There is no wireless internet, you can check your emails in Ormož youth center or the public library. The adress is Vrazova ulica 5 – it is located in the very center of Ormož near main bus station, 8 minutes from the train station.
In Maribor we will be staying in highschool dormitory Dijaški dom Drava,, adress is Smetanova 67. It is located in the center of Maribor. There are two or three bed rooms, a few rooms are sharing the bathrooms.
The tournament will be held at Faculty of law, University of Maribor,, adress: Mladinska ulica 9, Maribor
3. Extra nights
The registration fee 200 EUR covers the whole Academy - from dinner on the 23rd November to breakfast on the 30th.
Tournament only
The registration fee for the ones who are coming only for the tournament is 50 EUR, it covers the accomodation and food from dinner on the 28th till breakfast on the 30th. You should plan your departure from Maribor in early afternoon.
All the extra nights should be paid by you directly to the hotel. If you need an extra night in Hotel Ormož, please, inform me about it and I will make the reservation.
If you need an extra night in Maribor, you need to make your own reservation.
VERY IMPORTANT – YOU CAN NOT BE IN DIJAŠKI DOM DRAVA FOR EXTRA NIGHTS. You need to make reservations in some other hotels - at the end of this email I am sending you the low costs options in Maribor – you can book them via Internet.
4. Registration
The Ormož registration starts on Sunday, the 23rd at 16.00. Please, do not forget the first session starts at 20.00 on the 23rd, so plan your trip accordingly.
The check in in Dijaški dom Drava starts at 14.00. The registration for the tournament starts at Faculty of law at 16.00. The tournament starts at 17.00.
Everybody from Ormož will leave together by bus from Ormož to Maribor, no extra fee for this travel.
4. Travelling to Ormož
Ormož is well connected by train.
Coming from Vienna or Graz – you should take the train to Maribor - Pragersko -Ormož. Sometimes you need to change the train in Pragersko.
Coming from Ljubljana - sometimes you need to change in Pragersko – Ormož
Coming from Budapest – the train stops in Ormož.
In case you are coming as a group it might be more convinient and not so much more expencive than train we send you a van to pick you at the airport and bring you to Ormož. In case you are flying in really late, this would be the only option – so if this is the case, let me know, so I can arrange a pick up for you.
In case you are coming in Ljubljana before 23rd, there are some limited crashes available with Slovenian university students – let me know if you need them.
Here is the train schedule
>From Ljubljana to Ormož, the price is around 10 EUR one way
Ljubljana Departure 05:45 Pragersko Arrival 07:21 Pragersko Departure 07:31 Ormož Arrival 08:18
Ljubljana Departure 07:40 Ormož Arrival 10:25
Ljubljana Departure 10:18 - Pragersko Arrival 12:17 Pragersko Departure 12:57 Ormož Arrival 13:43
Ljubljana Departure 12:45 Pragersko Arrival 14:49 Pragersko Departure 15:10 Ormož Arrival 15:41
Ljubljana Departure 17:25 Pragersko Arrival 19:29 Pragersko Departure 19:44 Ormož Arrival 20:15
>From Maribor to Ormož, costs around 3 EUR one way
Maribor Departure 07:00 Ormož Arrival 08:18
Maribor Departure 12:25 Ormož Arrival 13:43
Maribor Departure 14:15 Pragersko Arrival 14:34 Pragersko Departure 15:10
Ormož Arrival 15:41
Maribor Departure 15:25 Ormož Arrival 16:35
>From Maribor to Ljubljana, costs around 6 EUR one way
Sometimes a change of trains is needed in Zidani most.
Maribor 14:15 Ljubljana 17:03
Maribor 15:14 Ljubljana 17:32
Maribor 15:20 Ljubljana 18:03
Maribor 16:20 Ljubljana 18:45
Maribor 17:15 Ljubljana 19:58
Maribor 18:00 Ljubljana 20:25
Maribor 19:45 Ljubljana 21:38
Maribor 21:00 Ljubljana 23:28
>From Graz to Maribor, 13 EUR one way
Graz 8.36 Maribor 9.38
Graz 10.36 Maribor 11.39
Graz 14.02 Maribor 15.04
Graz 15.40 Maribor 16.50
Graz 18.37 Maribor 19.39
Maribor 12. 42 Graz 14.47
Maribor 14.14 Graz 15.17
Maribor 16.21 Graz 17.24
Maribor 18.19 Graz 19.22
Hotel Piramida ****
Position: city centre
Bus stop distance < class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="">
Hotel Orel ***
Position: city centre
Railway station < class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="">
Hotel Bellevue ****
Position: near Maribor
Hotel Belllevue in Pohorje near Maribor is a pleasant hotel attracting guests throughout the year with its interesting a creative offer.
The wonderful atmosphere of the Bellevue wellness center will provide a relaxing experience for hotel guests as well as outside visitors; the center also features a wide offer of saunas:
- Aroma steam baths - Turkish baths;
- Extreme Finnish sauna;
- Chromotherapeutic sauna;
- Laconium - mild sauna;
- Showers of surprise.
Care and relaxation are also provided in Ciproš, in the form of massages and pampering for two.
Garni hotel Tabor ***
Position: near city centre
This carefully maintained family hotel is located not far from the centre of Maribor, and is in the vicinity of the multi-purpose event centre Dvorana Tabor and a tennis centre. We offer contemporarily furnished rooms, a restaurant, two clubrooms, three meeting rooms and storage for skies and bicycles. We bring pleasure to groups, sportsmen and women and permanent guests with special offers.
Parking, storing of bicycles and skies, e-mail and connection to Internet are all free of charge. Free use of meeting rooms for groups with board and lodgings in the hotel. For private vehicles and buses there is an enclosed car park, which is free of charge. For a supplement we organise excursions and sightseeing trips.
Double room standard – separated beds – 31€ person per night
Hotel UNI ~ Youth hostel **
Position: in city centre
The Youth Hostel Hotel Uni is a member of the youth hostel network in Slovenia within the scope of IYHF (INTERNATIONAL YOUTH HOSTEL FEDERATION).
The Youth Hostel Hotel Uni is suitable for the traveelers who plan to stay in Maribor only a few days (daily rental). The holders of the International Student Identity Card (Hostelling International) and members of the Traveller`s Association of Slovenia have special benefits.
Youh Hostel UNI has been awarded 5 triangles, the highest award in the Slovenian youth hostel categorization.
Youth Hostel UNI offers:
accomodation in city centre (historical and culture sights), single, double and tripple rooms with private bath with towels and hotel cosmetics,
single, double and tripple rooms with linen, mini fridge, telephone and internet acces
use of the mini kitchen,
use of the computer room with internet access,
free rent-a bike,
open 24-hours and all year long.
Supplement for selfservice breakfast.
Extremely important is also the location of the hostel. Namely, the hostel is situated in the centre of Maribor in the approximate vicinity of the Rectorate of the University of Maribor, the Faculty of Economics and Business, the Faculty of Natural Sciences, the Faculty of Law and also the University Library.
Single room – 25€ person/night
Double room – 25€ person/night
Tripple room – 25€ person/night
Lollipop hostel
Position: city centre
A newly opened and as yet small, but friendly, true travellers/backpackers hostel in the centre of Maribor. Minutes from the main bus and rail stations and yet in the heart of the city.
Two blocks awy from the City Park.
Full use of kitchen any time of the day. Full use of chill out room with Cable TV, DVD with free films to view, Hi Fi, Games Console with hundreds of games to play. Free Internet. Bed Linen and Towels Included. Constant Hot Water.
Escort around town to show you the best of Maribor, including the beautiful River Drava, Shops, Museums, Theatres, Restaurants, Clubs and the best Kebab shop and pizza bar, not to mention a tour of local bars to share a beer or two.
Bed in 4-bedroom – 20€ person/night
Bed in 6-bedroom – 20€ person/night
More accommodation possibilities:
8:33 AM

Jens Fischer on International Debate Academy
Why is IDAS a good thing to attend?
Having coached young debaters at the past two International Debate Acadamies in Slovenia, I feel that this academy provides a unique learning environment. With international coaches from different continents, and different debating systems, students are able to compare different views and choose from a wide variety of interesting subjects. The unique framework provides ample opportunity to actually discuss problems in some depth, as opposed to just repeating ready-made answers. During the IDAS week, all student will be able to intensively practice their skills, so that real progress can be made.
IDAS is a lot of fun. The days are filled with hard work, but also with hugely entertaining activities. The fact that IDAS is held in Ormoz contributes immensely to establishing an atmosphere of severe working and severe partying.
I have never been to a more international academy, with students from dozens of countries. In Europe, there is no academy like this, and probably this is a unique institution worldwide. The competition at the end of the academy has proved to be a great way of putting all the things you have learned into action, facing competent judges and receiving helpful feedback.
I could not think of any other place if you really want to get into international debating and to meet people from different continents and all sorts of backgrounds. In my opinion, there is no way you could not benefit from attending IDAS 2008.
3:19 AM

Saturday, November 15, 2008
4UDECOR - Bienal Arquitectura de Veneza 2008

Segundo Aaron Betsky – director durante 6 anos do Instituto de Arquitecturta da Holanda em Roterdão, um dos mais prestigiados museus e centro de arquitectura do mundo e director desde 2007 do Museu de Arte de Cincinnati, EUA - a 11ª Bienal de Arquitectura de Veneza em vez de mostrar edifios mostra sim instalações efectuadas por arquitectos para a sociedade. Betsky refere "a arquitectura não deve ser só construir edificios, deve ir para além disso e adaptar-se ao ambiente onde se inserem e adaptarem-se a vida moderna. Considera mesmo que a maioria dos edificios são feios e inuteis. Mas a arquitectura é bela, pode condicionar de forma positiva a vida da sociedade de uma forma que mais nenhuma arte pode". Esta bienal encoraja os arquitectos à arquitectura experimental com novas formas e adaptações ao século XXI.
Estaram presentes alguns dos mais reconhecidos nomes / ateliers tais como: Asymptote, Atelier Bow Wow, Barkow Leibinger Architects, Nigel Coates, Coop Himmelbau, Diller Scofidio+Renfro, Droog Design+Kesselkramer, Vicente Guallart, Frank O. Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Ante Liu, Greg Lynn, M-A-D, Massimiliano Fuksas, MVRDV, Penezić and Rogina, Philippe Rahm, Matthew Ritchie em colaboração com Aranda/Lasch and Daniel Bosia/ARUP AGU, Kramervanderveer, Thonik and UNStudio. Se puder visite até 23 de Novembro a Bienal de Veneza.
1:55 AM

aaron betsky,
bienal veneza
Friday, November 14, 2008
Copos de Vinho

Um jantar romantico sem estes copos Pearl da Ritzenhoff não tem o mesmo significado. Saborei a qualidade desse nectar que oferece à sua amada nestes copos de design original, unicos e de elevada qualidade, pode igualmente iniciar a sua colecção. Aproveite os bons momentos que a vida lhe propociona.
12:35 AM

artigos decoração,
lista casamento,
loja decoração,
Thursday, November 13, 2008
4UDECOR - Material para Bibliotecas
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