Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"facebook" Chaos

So apparently facebook is a really scary place right now!

There are certain things that are said to never be talked about, religion and politics. Over the course of the last 24 hours on the facebook networking site, that very BOLD line has been crossed... In fact, it's absolute chaos.

So far I have witnessed ridiculous status updates and notes ranging from the world coming to an end, to moving to Canada. First of All, if you're moving to Canada you should probably take a moment to realize they're more liberal than Democrats, eh! And of course there is the ever popular "Obama is the Anti-Christ, I'm scared" response... sigh...

Then there's the race card. And here is what's worse, it's flying on both sides of the ethnic fence. Unfortunately I saw where a young white girl that went to high school with my roommate had used THE "N" word on her status. On my own friends status update list, I found where a young black girl had called ALL Republicans racist because of their facebook status' Her status has now caused a response riot on her page.

All of these types of comments have now put a permanent mark on those individuals I once respected.

Thankfully there is a light in the darkness. Many Republican and Democrat facebookers have posted positive and uplifting status updates and have gone to profile pages to calm those in anger and silence the ignorance coming from others.

The interesting element is that facebook maybe its own culprit in this mass frenzy. Four years ago during the last election, we did not have the facebook we have today. Because it is an available, fast source of information without censorship, it has now made us transparent. It is an outlet of who we are as individuals and what we believe in. The power rests in ourselves to monitor our own actions. With that, many individuals have now condemned themselves and the way others see them.

Thus my warning to you: "Heed your words, they define you."