Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Okay! Party's over. Let's get down to business Part I

Enough with the celebration, now it's time to get down to business.  I am thrilled and overjoyed that Barack Obama was bestowed with the greatest honor and title in the world - President of the United States.  I am going to enjoy all of the celebration parties and drink shot after shot for all of the red states that I saw on television last night.  I'm going to party like a rock star in the name of democracy, peace, and justice for all.  And I vow to honor, love and respect until death do us part - hold up, wrong speech!  Okay, back on track.  This is time for celebration and everything that comes with it.  But the party should be trickling down and people should start focusing on helping our new president breath life into everything that he promised.  It's time for Americans to support their president like never before.  So many people, groups, organizations and institutions are going to try their best to bring down Obama.  The antics, lies, and slanderous statements made by John McCain should be evidence enough on how far people are willing to bring down this soon-to-be great leader.  People were willing to sacrifice their lives just to take out the then presidential candidate, all for a power and a system of beliefs that they swore by.  Not only is Obama going to be faced with terrorist and deep rooted anti-American organizations in other countries, he's going to be faced with fellow Americans who not only want to make his job difficult, but possibly want to assassinate him as well.