Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Kudos President Obama for winning the election. Not only did he win, but he beat McCain by a landslide. In my opinion, many Americans have lost confidence in their country over the years and I think they feel Obama is the man to get our nation back on track. I truly believe that political parties were not a huge contribution in this presidential election. No matter if you where a Democrat, Republican, Independent, etc. you wanted to elect the best man for the job. I think Americans are fed up with how things are going. Even though $700 billion was poured into banks, it's only a quick-fix. We need a concrete, long-lasting solution. Gas prices might have fallen, but it will most likely sky-rocket again. No doubt President Obama will have a heavy load, but I pray that during his four-year term he will change and unify our country.
11:30 AM