Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The End

I will never forget how anxious I felt when I first enrolled in this Journalism class. The closest involvement I had to any type of government was paging in the House and Senate in high school (a.k.a. making photocopies and getting coffee). So how in the world would I write about politics? I'll buy a book I thought! Buying books always ease my nerves and make me feel smarter. So I purchased What You Should Know About Politics.....But Don't: A Non-Partisan Guide to the Issues.

Though I still haven't read past the first chapter, I submersed myself into politics in order to become an informed blogger and voter. Listening to NPR while cleaning my room, watching the news when I first wake-up, skimming the election stories in the NY Times, reading either Newsweek or Time, and watching the RNC, DNC and every Presidential Debate have helped inform me of the issues and the political process. Though I am no political pundit, and I doubt I never will be, the experience this class has created is one I will forever remember.