Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Obama's Term
Now that Obama has won the election I wonder what will his next move be? Even though he has talked a lot about what his upcoming plans are I still don’t feel like I know what his next move will be. He is defiantly going to have to get everything together pretty fast because he has a lot of things to fix on his plate. To me Bush has not even begun to touch our economic problems. This is something that needs to be one of the first things on his agenda. I’m really hoping that he can come up with some good plans that will really help move our nation forward. Another thing dealing with foreign policy is the question of whether or not he is going to side with Israel. That is going to be interesting to see how that turns out. One thing is for sure, we will be seeing a lot different things going on in this nation once Obama gets into his term.
6:48 PM