Sunday, November 30, 2008
I read an article in Time talking about which anti-terror tactics installed by the Bush administration that President-Elect Obama may affect and what the consequences would be. Torture was the first topic on the list. Many different forms of torture have been okayed by the Bush administration. I wonder if Obama will be the one to put an end to the secret forms of torture currently granted to certain departments. It's a touchy subject if there's proof that these methods are yielding reliable results, but our place in the world doesn't seem to be getting any better. So, I can't really say if I can believe that they are. Another topic was rendition and secret prisons. For all who saw the movie Rendition, you're familiar with the fact that the CIA ships suspected terrorists to secret prisons around the world. The problem with this is the word "suspected." Innocent people have been shipped to these secret prisons and tortured for information they don't have. When it is finally understood that the people really are innocent they are left in a random location. Both of these tactics used today involve tortures that I can imagine are quite brutal. I mean, the prisons are in secret locations for a reason. I'm curious to see how Obama handles these once he becomes Commander in Chief.
7:18 PM