Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Palin not a Problem
Some would like to suggest that Alaskan Governor Palin might be the reason for the landslide victory for Obama. Others would argue the opposite. With the McCain camp hoping that Palin would bring in suburban women and independent voters, it seemed that Palin did not have quite the impact that the GOP were hoping for, with the majority of suburban women and independent voters going to Obama. But is this to blame on Palin? No! Who would have ever known that right before the election the United States would face the worst economic crisis since the great depression? McCain was the underdog in this campaign, and being the GOP nominee in this election truly just set him behind. Palin faught a hard fight and did well for the Republican party. Last night following McCain's speech, Palin was asked the question, doe she see herself as the 2012 nominee for president. She quickly stepped up and said she can't imagine herself in this position right now, and has no idea where she will be in 4 years. I can see, with some polishing, Palin being the choice... or she could go back to Alaska and we might never hear from here again. Give it about three years and we will know. If the time flies by as quickly for the next election as the last eight years, then it will seem like just yesterday we casted our votes in this historic election. Scary thought.
10:58 AM