I picked up a University paper yesterday and I'm thumbing through it (like I normally do) trying to get to the good stuff when low and behold I come across an article talking about disturbances on campus election night. Black students were celebrating and white students were calling them the n-word (niggers for those of you with a strong stomach). I don't understand. And as if you you'd think it couldn't get any worse, another incident ensued where fifteen white girls surrounded one black girl - as the story goes in the Daily Mississippian. I just don't understand. When will people get it in their minds that black people, African Americans, dark people, the n-word people, however you want to label us - are in fact PEOPLE. I said it before, we eat, sleep, shave and shower just like everyone else. I mean seriously, what have we done that was so gross that we deserved to be treated in such vile and un-human ways. Getting mad at black people because a black president won is not the answer. Blacks make up a small portion of the American population. As a matter of fact - we're the minority. Even if every black person in the US voted for Barack he still would not have won. Not without the help of a whole lot of white people. So don't get mad at us - please. Because you might say it to the wrong person and end up in a grave. Racism is not a game. It is so serious. You never know what a person has gone through or the struggles they had to overcome in order to get to where they are now. And calling them out of their name, demeaning or belittling them is nothing more than a big slap in the face. We are people - smart people and we deserve to be treated just as equal as everyone else.