Sunday, November 30, 2008
The End
I want to use my last blog to wish President-Elect Obama good luck. I can barely stand to hear or say the word "change" since this year's campaign season, but I hope to see change in America and the world. Obama is where he is because of change. Changes in technology and the way the younger generations, mainly, get their information helped him. Sources like blogs and YouTube gave everyone an equal voice that wanted to be heard. And it gave others that were trying to decide places to research. The next generation to lead America was crying for change, and the Internet made it possible for them to broadcast that message. And the word change was associated heavily with one candidate - Barack Obama. I'm not naíve enough to think things will change immediately, but I am known for my optimism. The world used to change gradually, and now it changes so rapidly it's hard to keep up. It's a difficult time to take the office of President of the United States of America. The media is more widespread and more critical. Everyone, anyone can be a journalist now. People want to be heard, and it's much easier. But as an optimist, I look forward to Obama leading America down a path of improvement. I did enjoy being able to fill up my car's tank for $19 today. The economy is a huge issue at the moment and will be for a while. One man told me he wanted the economy to just crash and for everyone to be at the bottom so that we could all start out equal and build ourselves back up. We'll see how it goes.
7:47 PM