Wednesday, November 5, 2008
My Final Post
Well, I have to say this will probably go down as my most memorable experience I have ever had. It was so exciting to be around all of the national and international media that was there covering the debate. I got to see and do things that most people will never be able to see or do. It was great. I will never forget rushing to the street to try and see if I could see Obama or McCain when they got out of their vehicles. I will never forget being able to see people such as John Kerry, Tom Brokaw, and Katie Couric. The total chaos of trying to get together the transcripts and having everyone work as a team to pull it off will never be a memory that I lose. Nor will I forget my most embarrassing moment when I tripped and fell down in front of everyone (I tend to not be the most graceful person). I will hopefully be able to carry these memories with me and one day tell my children and grandchildren about when I got to help at one of the debates of the most memorable election in history.
9:35 PM