Wednesday, November 5, 2008
And so, it ends. . . .
FINALLY!!!! The much-anticipated and long-awaited election has reached it's conclusion. It never really struck home to me how much I wanted John McCain to win until I watched his concession speech. It literally brought tears to my eyes, and I don't know the last time I was so moved. Commentators after the speech made the point that had he showed that depth of emotion during his campaign, things may have turned out differently, and I had to say that I agree. It just sucks that more people couldn't see through the tough exterior to the "American Hero" that lay within. I am very disappointed that he lost, but I am trying to move forward and have a good outlook on all the positive change Barack Obama now has the capability of making. I can only hope and pray that he doesn't let us down. This class has really given me a sharper eye in this election, and I feel very lucky that I got to take part in this historical event in such a special way. Thank you so much for the opportunity, Dr. Husni! I will never forget it. :)
6:51 PM