Sunday, November 16, 2008
Jens Fischer on International Debate Academy
Why is IDAS a good thing to attend?
Having coached young debaters at the past two International Debate Acadamies in Slovenia, I feel that this academy provides a unique learning environment. With international coaches from different continents, and different debating systems, students are able to compare different views and choose from a wide variety of interesting subjects. The unique framework provides ample opportunity to actually discuss problems in some depth, as opposed to just repeating ready-made answers. During the IDAS week, all student will be able to intensively practice their skills, so that real progress can be made.
IDAS is a lot of fun. The days are filled with hard work, but also with hugely entertaining activities. The fact that IDAS is held in Ormoz contributes immensely to establishing an atmosphere of severe working and severe partying.
I have never been to a more international academy, with students from dozens of countries. In Europe, there is no academy like this, and probably this is a unique institution worldwide. The competition at the end of the academy has proved to be a great way of putting all the things you have learned into action, facing competent judges and receiving helpful feedback.
I could not think of any other place if you really want to get into international debating and to meet people from different continents and all sorts of backgrounds. In my opinion, there is no way you could not benefit from attending IDAS 2008.
3:19 AM