Sunday, November 30, 2008
America has made history with the election of Barack Obama. Starting in January, he will be in the White House making decisions for our country. We all realize that history was made and that this was a historical election. What I don't really understand are the collectibles that are constantly showing up on my television during commercials. I will be watching a football game, and suddenly I see the President-Elect's face on a plate or a coin, etc. I understand his election to the presidency made history, but he hasn't actually done anything as our president yet. That won't come until January. I guess collectors don't really care when the merchandise is available because they will purchase it anyway. I just think it is more plausible to wait until he's leading the country to sell collector's items. It doesn't make sense to me to tell me that buying a plate with a picture on it will make me an owner of a piece of history. I will remember the election regardless because Obama has four years ahead of him as my president, and I think of souvenirs as more of something you get at a tourist destination to remember your trip. So, I think maybe the Obama souvenirs should wait until after he has served his term. If he gives us a good trip we want to remember and be a part of, by all means sell/buy your souvenirs.
6:31 PM