Friday, November 7, 2008
The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons/ The date
Now here's a movie that I think represents what movie making it all about. Just from watching the previews I could tell that it's going to be a hit - and I approve that message. But seriously though, it seems to be an intelligent story. Definitely different and it carries that mystique about it that makes you curious and want to go out and spend ten bucks just to quench that desire. The cinematography looks great and the locations are eye popping. I might even buy the real DVD when it comes out instead of the bootleg. Not that I support bootleggers, because I don't. I think that they are ripping the financial fabric right out of the entertainment business. Actors get paid less, producers get desperate and green-light anything that they think will make a buck and we get movies like "The Happening". What the F@%K happened? I'm still lost. Or we get movies like 23 where Jim Carrey tries to be spooky (I think it pulled it off better in Lemony Snicket). I am a firm believer in supporting the movie industry. And it's because I want a quality product when I plan out a nice evening with my "significant other" which includes grown and sexy attire (cause I'm such a showoff), dinner at the Blue Pan Grille, and if I get lucky.... She'll have the Shrimp Scampi with light Alfredo sauce with a slice of garlic toast (easy on the garlic - the night is still young). The lady will also be having a glass of their finest Chardonnay - Marquis de Laguiche Joseph Drouhin Montrache (that ought to loosen her up a little). I'll be having the eight ounce Filet Minon - medium rare (I'm feeling Parisian) with the loaded bake potato (back to feeling American) and a house salad (got to watch my weight). I'll too will be having a glass of Marquis de Laguiche Joseph Drouhin Montrache (leave the bottle). After dinner we'll stroll the square, she, tightly clenching my arm and I, trying not to wobble because I finished the whole bottle while she patiently sipped one glass (plan backfired). Afterwards we will make our way to the movie theater, all while avoiding Oxford's finest - OPD. We'll buy two, no, I'll buy two tickets to the "movie-to-see" of the night and we'll advance to our seats and let the movie set the tone for the rest of the night. Maybe I'll get a good night kiss. Better yet, maybe I'll get a good morning kiss. After putting in all that work, I expect a good quality movie. I want my good morning kiss and I'm depending on a good movie to be the ultimate prelude to "hello darling, you have beautiful eyes." Movies have become a part of our socializing. It's almost a given. Every weekend or every other weekend people are going back to the movies. It's a great American pass time. And it should be preserved as much as possible.
11:15 AM