With the new First Family moving in January 20, 2009, everyone will be watching to see what kind of dog the Obamas will bring with them. During his acceptance speech on November 4, Barack Obama addressed his daughters by saying that he loved them more than they will ever know and they have earned the new puppy that's coming with them to the White House. According to an AKC poll, Americans have spoken. 42,000 Americans voted and the Poodle was chosen from five hypoallergenic breeds since his daughters have allergies. Other suggestions have been made that they adopt a dog from a local shelter. Michelle Obama confirmed that they would be adopting a rescue dog rather than getting one from a breeder.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
First Pets
Harry Truman once said "If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog." It seems that most presidents have taken this advice and moved in their own furry, feathered or feline friends. Warren Harding had an Airdale named Laddie Boy, who even had his own chair at Cabinet meetings. Grace and Calvin Coolidge had a pet raccoon from Mississippi. FDR's favorite companion was a Scottish terrier named Fala, who attended one of his inaugurations and drove the Secret Service crazy because all the attention he drew. The Kennedy's had numerous pets including Caroline's pony Macaroni. Richard Nixon had a special little dog named Checkers that was given to him by a supporter. The Reagans' dogs included a sheepdog, Lucky, and a King Charles spaniel, Rex. George and Barbara Bush had a famous English springer spaniel, Millie, who wrote NY Times best selling memoirs and had a litter of puppies, one of which would later become a First Dog again in 2001. The Clinton First Family had two famous pets. Chelsea Clinton had a black and white cat, Socks, that accompanied her to the White House and President Clinton's beloved companion was a chocolate lab, Buddy. When George W. Bush and Laura Bush moved into the White House, with them came a Scottie named Barney, a short haired cat Willie, and Spot, one of Millie Bush's puppies.
6:59 AM