Monday, November 3, 2008

Could another candidate win?

99% of the election hype is over Obama and McCain--- rightfully so! But the other day I was researching other candidates and groups based on those candidates. I stumbled across the Constitutionalist group and there is one that meets on the Ole Miss campus. I took a minute to sit down and listen to their beliefs and interview a few of the members.

This campus as well as most of America really isn't aware of the other candidates that are running for Presidency. Running for the Constitution party is Chuck Baldwin. Baldwin is a conservative, political activist who is also a pastor. For the Green party is Georgia former Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney. Running for the Libertarian party is Bob Barr. Barr is a former Congressman and U.S attorney from Georgia. Running with these candidates are also many other candidates. If you are still unsure who you are going to vote for, do a little research on these candidates. They may appeal to your views. Another choice on the ballot is the "none of the above choice." Writing this on the ballot, or some states actually offer this, will show the government that no candidate was worth voting for.

So please America, get out and vote tomorrow. If anything, select the "none of the above category." Every vote counts and every vote makes a difference. Our future deoends on it.