Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Electoral Calculator

Thanks to CNN.com for providing us with a calculator for the electoral votes. A color coded map pops up highlighting which states CNN predicts to be Obama safe, McCain safe, leaning to Obama, leaning to McCain or a tossup. So far just as others have predicted CNN.com has Obama with a total of 210 electoral votes in his safe column. States like California with its 55 electoral votes, New York with is 31 electoral votes and Illinois with its 21 electoral votes are all as blue as the ocean. Maybe the old fogeys down in Florida will not mess it up for everyone this year and Florida will be blue. Another 27 votes! Red states are predominant as well, but unfortunately for McCain the only state that has a serious amount of electoral votes securely in his corner is Texas with its 34 votes the state with as many votes close to that is Tennessee with 11. Despite what seems like a large margin to cover I think that tonight is going to be spent anxiously watching and waiting to see if McCain is going to pull off an upset especially since many thought his campaign was in the midst of its final death throws.

I attached the link to the calculator in case anyone was curious and wanted to check it out. You can click on a state and vote for the candidate you think should win and watch the tally grow. For Obama supporters out there, don't feel safe just yet, there are enough tossup states with serious electoral clout that the entire map could look different in a couple of hours.