Monday, November 3, 2008

FREE Starbucks Coffee on Voting Day!

This morning I turned to the Apple home page and died and went to heaven!

This past weeked Starbucks laid out its first commercial during “Saturday Night Live” on NBC for it's Voters Reward on Election day. The rewards campaign offers a free cup of "Joe" to anyone who votes on election day.

The commercial starts with, “What if we all cared enough to vote?” The spot ends with the offer — “If you care enough to vote, we care enough to give you a free cup of coffee” — and these words: “You and Starbucks. It’s bigger than coffee.”

The opportunity to get your free cup of "Joe" will be available at Starbucks stores on Tuesday, Election Day. They'll definitely aks for proof of voting like stickers given in many locations. But even if you do not have proof, They'll still go on "Scouts Honor."

As a huge Starbucks/coffee fiend, there is no way I'm letting this one pass me! Joe Biden may be on the Democratic ticket, "Joe the Plumber" may be voting for the Republican, But that cup of "Joe" coffee is a little something for everyone!

Thank you Starbucks!!