Monday, November 3, 2008

McCain Gets the "Bird" From Obama

Yes, the title is suggesting exactly what you think.  During my daily checkup, I found a well very surprising, not to mention disturbing clip of Obama "supposedly" flipping off McCain.  When I first saw the bold black letters of "Obama Congratulates McCain," immediate disbelief overwhelmed me.  I clicked the link, and viola at what I discovered.  Take a few minutes to recover.  Sound a little skeptical?  It should!  

There's no using in me denying it, but I am undoubtedly a McCain girl to the core.  My posts should reflect that;  however, even I have to admit that the Drudge Report really had to dig to find this clip.  Basically it's a link to a video that shows Obama during one of his rallies directing derogatory comments towards McCain and all his followers.  At one point in his speech, he rubs his lips with his middle finger;  thus, Drudge Report found this fitting enough to describe as Obama giving the you know what, special delivery, to McCain.  

Despite all the respect I have for the Drudge Report even I have to admit that they really interpreted that single hand motion to mean way more than it actually meant.  This isn't just a small tab story in the bottom corner.  No, "Obama Congratulates McCain" is currently the front page headline story on  Funny how twisted politics can become, especially in the midst of an election, isn't it?  Of course, there are other media outlets to blame as well for their own manipulations and insinuations about McCain.  It's no secret that almost every news outlet is supporting either McCain or Obama, but pushing there opinion onto the public is unnecessary and unethical.  It's impossible for the public not to create their opinions from what they see and hear on the news, but it's the misinformed and bias news that harms those same beliefs the most.  

This is just one of the many examples we've seen this election season of reporting gone wrong.  Seriously, I feel guilty even calling this journalism.    I don't think you'll believe it until you see the clip.  The link is  Check it out.