Sunday, November 2, 2008
Tensions rising
Its been a while since I've blogged because there hasn't been much of value to discuss. The McCain camp have been attacking Obama's connection with Bill Ayers. Fox news literally makes me sick to my stomach. Besides that stuff, the tension in my house is really getting high as we draw closer to election day. It actually reminded me of getting in a physical fight with a friend who ripped down a John Kerry sticker in my Kincannon dorm room. It seems that the passion for ones personal candidate supersedes the ability to have an intelligent conversation, especially at the end of a long friday night. I cast my absentee ballot and have faith that my candidate will win, so I am gonna try and keep my fists holstered. I'm excited to see Obama on the Daily show tonight and both candidates on Monday Night Football tomorrow. McCain was kind of funny on SNL and foiled well with Tina Fey.
5:28 PM