Also I hate to be redundant, but we are United States Citizens who also have a duty to vote. If we want to have any kind of choice in the future policies of the next president, than we just need to suck it up and drag ourselves to the voting booths. Seriously let's rock the vote with the presidential election! I myself will be packing up bright and early tomorrow morning to drive home to vote. I'll be seeing ya' at the poles!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Remember P. Diddy's campaign "vote or die?" Well, I would momentarily like to resurrect that sentiment for tomorrow's election. Obviously the key to winning any election is the number of votes you receive; thus, guys we all need to get our butts to the poles tomorrow to vote. Whether your man is McCain or Obama, you can't really show your support unless you put in the effort to cast your ballot. I can't tell you how many Ole Miss students have told me that they are not worrying with voting, and I can't describe how frustrated I get with comments like that. Tomorrow is the day we select a new President of the United States of America! How is it too much trouble to vote? Whoever gets elected will have a supreme authority over the lives of you, me, and every other US citizen. Not to mention voting is the best way to get your voice heard. It's our main way of communicating to the government about who we would like to see in office. Don't forget that the media likes to poke fun at how clueless and unreliable college students are when it comes to politics and election days. Let's prove those people wrong by showing up full and strong to vote.
1:08 PM