Sunday, November 2, 2008
I hate to say it. . .
. . .but I will admit it. I DIDN'T vote. I do feel like a huge hypocrite blasting and endorsing both of the candidates at various times on this site and then not backing it up with an actual decision. However, at the end of the day, I am comfortable with my non-vote, because I feel that to have voted with such indecision in my own heart could have led me to feel serious regret down the line, what with the possibility of my candidate winning and being a huge disappointment, which I feel like both of these hopefuls have the strong ability to do. I have never been able to align myself with one candidate, because I have such differing views from both in different but equally important areas. I simply could not, in good conscience, vote one way or the other. Some might say I took the easy way out, and that may be true, but I feel that in this election, it was the right choice for me.
9:02 AM