Sunday, November 2, 2008

McCain's Alleged "Victory in 2 Days"

According to, Senator John McCain assured his supporters today that he and Governor Sarah Palin will win the election this Tuesday. Claiming to "shake things in Washington up" once, Senator McCain promises to bring "real change" when he's elected Tuesday.

However, I wonder how McCain can be so certain of this win when he is trailing Senator Obama in the national polls for a month now. The polls as of Sunday still show Senator Obama with a 6 point lead over Senator McCain, 50 percent to 44 percent. Senator McCain's claim of "victory on Tuesday" appears to be too much, too soon. According to's "Two days to Victory" article, CNN's polling director Keating Holland said that the polls are not a final prediction of Tuesday's outcome; "That's not an easy task with two full days of campaigning to go, in a country in which roughly one in 10 voters tend to make up their minds in the last few days."

Senator Obama is still telling his supporters that the battle is not finished yet, that "they have to work like their future depends on it for the next two days." I prefer this work ethic and strategy as opposed to blind optimism and assurance.

I am extremely interested in watching the election coverage this Tuesday. I really do not know which way the voting will lean. I feel had we voted a month ago, the vote would have resulted in a landslide. Now, I'm not so sure. Yes, I have already sent in my absentee ballot last week when I was so sure of how I felt about the candidates and their policies. I'm missing a sense of assurance, however, that the vote will end with the best qualified candidate in office. Hopefully, late Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning, we will all feel some sense of relief.