Sunday, November 2, 2008

Is it over yet?

Since the election is coming up, my friends/roommates and I have been talking a lot about it. We have all decided that we are ready for it to be over. We are tired of being asked who and what we support. We are tired of seeing advertisements....negative ones at that. Also, we are just ready for whoever is elected to start setting an agenda and taking action on all of these promises that they are making. A few of my friends said that they wish that they had been more actively involved in the election and had more knowledge of what each candidate supports. Even with all of the advertisements, debates, and speeches, it is hard for someone to really understand each candidate's platform unless they actively seek out information. Some added that they were tired of the election news and ads covering every medium we come in contact with. So it seems that we get too much fluff but not enough substance in the information that we are presented with. I also asked a few of my friends how they felt about finding out who our next president will be so soon. They all had the same response: "NERVOUS." A few of them also added that we probably won't find out Tuesday because some state will probably mess up counting votes.

This election season has been so prominent with our staggering economy and international issues. The hype about each candidate has been huge. I think that people are just ready for the fat lady to sing. Nervousness is probably a feeling that we all share as we await the announcement of our next president on Tuesday night. I am hoping for a smooth voting process, a high voter turnout, and the selection of the person that is best fit for the job. I think many people are ready for it to be over, but we all need to play our roles as American citizens and vote for the person that we think can best help us improve our country.