Sunday, November 2, 2008

You Can Vote However You Like

A group of 7th graders from Ron Clark Academy put together a phenomenal rap dance show of You Can Vote However You Like.  These 7th graders know what they are talking about, too.  They aren’t for one candidate in particular, or at least the song is unbiased.  It gives you the good and bad of both parties. They rap about the differences in plans of healthcare, taxes, the war in Iraq, offshore drilling, etc.  Some students of the rap group were interviewed by CNN.  The kids were articulate, and they KNOW politics. For example, to one of the students healthcare is very important.  He said healthcare stands out to him because Obama plans to help people with pre-existing conditions and allows people to apply for affordable healthcare and he says McCain doesn’t.   He said he likes how Obama will give free healthcare to children. They seem to know about the issues, and they know why they support the candidate they do.  They say it is important to know and understand what’s going on in the world and to know why the candidates do what they do and what they are actually doing.

It is amazing how this election has gotten so many people involved.  These 7th graders probably know more than many adults.  And they are right.  It IS important to know the why’s of this election.  I wish everyone was as prepared and knowledgeable about this election as these 7th graders.