Saturday, November 1, 2008

Mickey for President?

I was talking to a group of friends the other night about the inevitable "who are you voting for" question, and one decided to answer, and completely seriously I might add, that he was going to vote Scooby-Doo as a write in. Now, call me crazy, but why would one even bother to vote if all they were going to do is write in Scooby-Doo as their candidate? If you don't like the party candidates, by all means, write in another name. But please, please at least do a little research and choose someone who is actually running, or at the very least has some knowledge of how the country works, or how to speak something other than dog...
I was even more disturbed to discover this little jewel:, where 945 people have supposedly pledged to write in Mickey Mouse as their candidate for president come November 4th. According to a November 2006 article by the Fredericksburg, VA's Free Lance-Star, Mickey Mouse was also nominated for the Virginia Senate, along with Chewbacca, Cookie Monster, Big Bird, Daffy Duck, SpongeBob SquarePants and Kermit the Frog.
It just seems wrong to me that only 52% of individuals ages 18 to 24 are registered to vote (according to the 2004 election data), and yet some choose to not take that vote seriously and instead write in fictional, and for the most part cartoon, characters. Its time that our generation stepped up, registered, got informed and voted for a candidate with the potential to run our nation, not a cartoon mouse.