Then again, Rupert Murdoch's derogatory comments about Obama as president in the middle of our country's financial crisis probably didn't help either. Obama certainly didn't win my support with his statement on national television that "people who don't want higher taxes are just being selfish." I have just a few words for the Democrat Presidential hopeful: I most certainly am not rich, but I definitely do NOT want a tax increase. Most people would say that's reasonable, not selfish. Obama's policies actually are encouraging men and women to not make a certain amount of money a year, or else you'll basically get your salary jipped off by the government. So basically, your punishment for becoming a doctor or a lawyer is that you have to give the majority of your salary to the government. Nice deal. Here's a novel idea, Obama, why don't we all just get on welfare?!
Perhaps it's due to McCain's strenuous efforts these past few days to win the swing states that's had him ahead in the polls. Regardless it appears to be that at long last McCain has finally tightened the polls in his favor. Of course the McCain campaign is a far call from an early congratulations, but if their hard, sleepless campaigning continues John McCain could be the man that President Bush passes the torch too.