Tuesday, November 4, 2008
TV viewership of tonight's results coverage is supposedly going to reach record highs. It shows how many people are still relying on television to get their news. Sen. Obama's 30 minute commercial reached so many viewers that the total number was compared to the numbers that American Idol produces. Politics has finally reached the platform of reality television. At least, it has for now, as this election is so out of the norm, if you will. I am also reading about how the way to keep the viewers is to make it have the same elements as a tv show. In order to keep people tuned in, they need to have drama and suspense. It is estimated that many will tune out and change the channel if one candidate seems to be taking a powerful lead too early. The results need to be given out so that it keeps the people involved and curious. So, it may be that we have closed the gap between reality tv and political tv, but it didn't hurt to make it more like reality tv shows and sitcoms. Whatever works, I suppose.
5:51 PM