Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Exit Polls: The Bane of My Existence
I cannot stand the "predicted to win" or "exit poll" this. Granted I talked about exit polls in an earlier blog, but I will concede to what they say when it has to do with someone other than a presidential candidate. When it comes to the election of a president I want hard facts. I want to know who won and by how much, not what people said when they left the polls, or what the tallies are as votes are being processed. We've been given too many reasons to doubt the exit polls in the last few elections, so this is not the time to start banking on them. I was reading an article about poll results and all of the comments following it were of the same kind of thing over and over again "Yeah this is in the bag." "Woo HOO we won!" IT'S JUST AN EXIT POLL PEOPLE! Relax, it's not over until they count ALL of the REAL votes.
6:22 PM