Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Senate Rate is Interesting
Well it looks like the senate race is going to be really interesting as well. With Bob Dole's wife losing her senate race, this next crop of senators look like they are going to be majority democrat. Right now more than 50 senators are Democrats, and only 35 are Republican. I believe it only takes 60 to have a filibuster. It really appears as if America is about to go Blue. With all of this change that appears to be happening across the nation, you wonder what changes we will truly see with most of America's representatives being Democrats. What are going to be the tangible changes we see from now. Quick change of topic, though I know I can't make predictions, if I had to make a educated guess now, I think Obama has a win. While watching CNN, they currently did a poll where it shows it nearly impossible for McCain to win. With McCain losing Ohio, it is going to nearly be impossible for him to win the White House. It's a sad day for Republicans all over the United States.
6:23 PM